News from The Red Tees | April 2022

The Brisbane Golf Club Latest News

Red Tees Logo

Welcome to the April edition of the News from the Red Tees. We’re looking forward to another year of great golf on our beautiful course, and some special social events because after all, it’s not just about golf.

There is much to report since our last issue published in November 2021.  So, strap in and enjoy the ride….




Hi all,

I have been reflecting on our 2022 year, beginning with such enthusiasm and excitement to get back into a more normal year.  Who would have known we would be facing further impacts of flooding, and more Covid issues?  Once again, we find ourselves readjusting and showing our resilience and moving forward yet again.

This is my last Red Tees signing off as your Ladies’ President.  At the Club Committee meeting on the 30 March 2022, the Ladies’ Bylaws were rescinded, and the Member Engagement Terms of Reference signed off.  A copy of the Terms of Reference can be found on the Club website.

There will certainly be sadness that this wonderful committee that has served the ladies so well has now been dissolved.  However, the future is also bright, and I strongly believe we have ourselves in a good position moving forward.  I would like to say a huge thankyou to all the ladies who have contributed to this progression over the past years, with over 20 ladies being involved.  I would also like to thank the Club Committee who have worked with us, negotiating, reviewing, planning, to eventually reach a conciliatory position to move forward.  This Committee restructure will recognise that the needs of future generations will be different to the past, and we must continue to evolve, adapt, and develop as required, and that our future women will work actively with the men in keeping our club strong.

What will change?  We hope that for most of you, nothing will really seem any different.  The Member Engagement group will continue to meet regularly and will work with the Ladies’ Captain who is an ex-officio member of the group.  We will have agendas, action items and will continue to work on all aspects of ladies’ golf, social activities, and community.  We will look at modifying some of the roles in the group, to see if some of these can be simplified, or managed differently.

Honour board events will continue Tuesday and Saturdays, guest days will continue, separate men’s and women’s competitions will continue, we will continue to have our lunches and fun days, our trophies will continue, our fundraising and our determination on where this money is spent will remain in the hands of the ladies.

At the end of the year, we will be seeking feedback to see how we are going.  We will also be seeking new members for our Member Engagement group to move forward again, and we hope that ladies will continue to do as they have always done, and that is support each other in our wonderful community.

If you have any concerns, (or hear others with concerns) I am very happy to sit down and chat with you.


Sue Lewandowski,
Ladies President



Red Tees

Moving forward it is planned to publish the Red Tees on a quarterly basis.  This makes for a “big” publication, and you might like to scroll through segments which don’t interest you or click on “read more” for the ones that do.  Feedback on the quarterly publication plan would be appreciated and we welcome your contributions of news, and items of interest. Email or and don’t forget to “like” The Brisbane Golf Club on Facebook and Instagram.


Monthly Medal Lunches

A reminder that on each monthly medal day there will be lunch served in the Tennyson Room.  Announcements by both Sue and Janet will be at approximately 12.45.  This is a way to be updated on all current news and we hope to see many of you for these monthly get togethers.  Presentations will also happen at this time.


Ladies Welfare Funds
Report by Ladies Teasurer, Andree Millard

The Tuesday and Saturday Opening Days were particularly successful this year with over $3,000 raised in total.  This has boosted the balance of the Ladies’ Welfare account which now stands at over $8,000.  A healthy balance gives us the opportunity to subsidise better prizes and more inclusions on special event days such as the recent Irish Day lunch where champagne and coffee were paid for from the Welfare account.  Your support allows us to continue to add extra benefits for the ladies in the year ahead.


Access News from the Red Tees from the Website

You can access the latest News from the Red Tees from the website.  Scroll down to the bottom of the home page to Latest News & Events and click on Red Tees “Read More”.


2022 Pennant Draw

The BDLGA Ladies Pennant Competition enjoys a rich history within the Brisbane Golf Club, and we are looking forward with great excitement to the Pennant season commencing in April.  The players are busy practicing and honing their skills in readiness for battle.  Good luck ladies and may the golfing gods shine down on you.






Tuesday 5 – New Member Night

Thursday 7 – Senior Ladies’ Golf Day

Sunday 10 – Mixed Foursomes

Monday 11 – US Masters Breakfast

Saturday 16 – Johnson Staines Complete Round 1

Tuesday 19 – Monthly Medal

Friday 22 – First round Friday Pennants / Bee Gees Tribute Show

Monday 25 – Anzac Day Ceremony

Tuesday 26 – Grace Wilson Memorial Day

Saturday 30 – Club Championship Round 1 Option 1



Tuesday 3 – Club Championship Round 1 Option 2

Tuesday 5 – Club Championship Round 2 Option 1

Friday 6 – Hosting Gold Pennants

Saturday 7 – Club Championship Round 2 Option 2

Sunday 8 – Club Championship Round 3 Option 1 / Mothers’ Day Breakfast

Tuesday 10 – Club Championship Round 3 Option 2

Thursday 12 – Club Championship Round 4

Friday 13 – Hosting Silver Zone 1 Pennants

Sunday 15 – First round Weekend Pennants

Tuesday 17 – Guest Day

Thursday 19 – Senior Ladies’ Golf Day

Tuesday 24 – Violet Midson Qualifying Round

Thursday 26 – Violet Midson 1st Round

Saturday 28 – Monthly Medal

Sunday 29 – Hosting Silver Zone 2 Pennants

Tuesday 31 – Violet Midson Quarter Finals



Thursday 2 – Violet Midson Semi Finals

Tuesday 7 – Violet Midson Final

Friday 10 – Senior Ladies’ Golf Day

Saturday 11 – Johnson Staines Complete Quarter Finals / Weekend Memorial Salver

Tuesday 14 – Monthly Medal / Tanner Cup

Monday 20 – Ladies, Let’s Golf Nine and Wine

Tuesday 21 – Foursomes Championship

Monday 27 – Invitation Day at Indooroopilly Golf Club





Midweek Results
February Monthly Medal
  • A Grade – Lynne Conroy (nett 67)
  • B Grade – Ping Liu (nett 71)
  • C Grade – Libby Marshall (nett 66)
March Monthly Medal
  • A Grade – Sue Lewandowski (nett 71)
  • B Grade – Trish Hopley (nett 73)
  • C Grade – Ann Warden (nett 75)


Weekend Results
February Monthly Medal
  • Division 1 – Morgan Lewis (nett 68)
  • Division 2 – Jill McTaggart (nett 72)
March Monthly Medal
  • Division 1 – Angela Fong (nett 73)
  • Division 2 – Maureen Keers (nett 79)
Johnston Staines



Joan Fletcher



Clare Kirkwood Memorial Trophy 4BBB Match Play (Est 2000) – Tuesday, 15 February

With 23 groups playing on the day the Presidents celebrated a win by 11 games to 9 with 3 draws.  Lunch was well attended in Tennyson Room with several past Presidents and Captains in attendance to watch the results come in.




Past Presidents


Past Captains




So, we have had disruption to the golfing calendar for the third year in a row. It seems like this could be the “new norm”, along with COVID and other world events leading to a rather unsettled world at the moment.

So, how lucky are we, that barely a month after the Club looked more like a lake than a golf course we are once again able to play golf.  Thanks to the staff and volunteers under the leadership of our new Course Superintendent, David Mason, who have worked tirelessly to return the course to its current condition.

With course care in mind, may I remind to use your golf buggies with care. The signs directing buggy traffic have been removed. Though the signs have been removed we expect you to stay well away from the greens, and keep to the buggy paths, or the rough. Please also remember to repair divots, and pitch marks on the green, and of course do not forget to rake the bunkers after use. Rakes will be left inside the bunkers from 6 April 2022 – See article on “Bunker Rake Etquette”, on the Club WebSite or the video on Club Social Media.

How often do you hear the comment “Oh, it was so slow today, it took forever to complete our round, we had to wait on every shot!”  We play golf within a “community” on the golf course, every single one of us is responsible for maintaining pace of play.

The idea is to keep up with the group in front of you, and there are ways to achieve that:

  • Play ‘ready golf’ when possible if it is safe to do so.
  • It is preferred that you putt out once you start putting.
  • If you are losing ground the first two players should putt out and move to the next tee to tee off.
  • Tee off first, then fill in the score card.
  • Pick up if you can no longer score on a hole (e.g., you have reached the maximum score in stroke, used all your shots in Stableford or you cannot improve your team score in a 4BBB). Do not continue playing however big the temptation.
  • Watch your opponents’ shots so that you can assist with searching. (Remember a player has only 3 minutes to find a ball). The Mi-Score app now has a 3-minute count down – click on the time on the top left hand side of the screen for it to start.
  • If you do not find your ball in the rough after 3 minutes, one of the options you have it to use Local Rule E-5, to drop a ball in the fairway, close to where you think you lost your ball, taking a two shot penalty.

The Mi-Score App, and Monthly Medal and Putting appears to be working very well, with many players using the App instead of cards.  You will however have noticed that there can now be multiple winners for putting on a particular day.  The app whilst giving a report on putting scores is unable to “count back” to find the ultimate winner in each division.  The prize pool is therefore simply shared between the winners.  So, in the most recent Monthly Medal, A Grade had two players with the same score, getting $9 each, B Grade had one winner getting $18 and C Grade had 3 players with the same score getting $6 each.

Guest Day, whilst still several weeks away, will have a nomination sheet opened on Tuesday 19 April, so start inviting your guests. For all other events please refer to information in the “Red Tees”, and on the Notice Boards in the Locker Room.



Looking forward, the pennant season is almost upon us, so good luck to all the players and caddies as they attempt to defend the three flags we won last year, and maybe even bring home a few more!

5 teams have been nominated by Brisbane Golf Club to participate in Ladies Pennants for 2022. Gold, Silver and Bronze on Fridays and Weekend Gold and Silver on Sundays.

There have been a number of significant changes to pennants for 2022.

  • no registration prior to the beginning of the season.
  • GA handicap of the day will be used
  • Teams will play in strict handicap order, with the lowest marker playing first
  • Gold Division is the only division playing off the stick, all other divisions will play with full handicap difference.
  • Gold handicap maximum GA handicap of 12
  • Silver handicap has no minimum and maximum GA handicap of 18.5 (the only stipulation is that the last player in Gold must have a handicap lower than the first handicap in Silver!)
  • Bronze handicap has a minimum GA handicap of 18.6 and a maximum of 26
  • Weekend competition now has 3 divisions, Gold, Silver and Bronze with the identical handicaps and conditions as those in mid-week pennants. This saw one of the biggest changes, from 2 to 3 divisions.
  • The minimum age for Pennant Competitors is 13 years of age, so we have been able to welcome two of our Juniors, Angelina Drakos and Safina Kyprianou to our ranks.
  • Friday pennant season will start on Friday 22 April and depending on the number of teams in the division will finish on Friday 20 May (Gold) and Friday 3 June (Silver and Bronze).
  • Weekend Gold pennant season will now start on Sunday 22 May as Brisbane has a Bye for the first round and will finish on 12 June.
  • Weekend Silver will start on Sunday 15 May and will finish on Sunday 12 June.
  • Brisbane will host Pennants on 3 separate occasions- Gold on the afternoon of Friday 6 May; Silver on the morning of Friday 13 May; and Weekend Silver on the morning of Sunday 29 May.
  • Brisbane will not host Friday Bronze division or Weekend Gold.
  • The Pennant programme for all divisions can be found in the Programme Book and on one of the Notice Boards in the Locker Room.



This is an introduction to the Club Championship for 2022 as there are some changes in the way in which they will be run this year.

The Women’s Club Championships will be run over four rounds of stroke.  Two options are offered for the first three rounds to allow maximum entry from all member categories.

  • The options for the first round are Saturday 30 April or Tuesday 3 May.
  • The options for the second round are Thursday 5 May or Saturday 7 May.
  • The options for the third round are Sunday 8 May or Tuesday 10 May.
  • The final round will be played on Thursday 12 May, and this will be a seeded draw

The Senior Salver will be played on Tuesday 3 May and Thursday 5 May. Players 65 and over are eligible to enter this competition.

There are changes in the way in which you enter these competitions this year.

We have decided to introduce an entry form. The form will be given to you on your first round for you to complete.

On the form you can select whether you want to play in the Senior Salver or the Club Championships.

If you are planning to play in the Club Championships you will need to select which of the optional matches you wish to use for each of Round 1, Round 2 and Round 3.

The entry form must be completed and returned to the pro shop before you tee off.

If you do not return your entry form into the pro shop before you tee off, you will not be entered into the Club Championships/Senior Salver.

The entry form will enable you to score your Championship Rounds/Senior Salver on the Mi-Score App. Cards will be available if preferred.

Please, don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.



The eclectic is a multi-round golf tournament that results in one 18-hole score per player.

Scores for each round are compared and the lowest score for each hole is selected. At the end of the season your best score on each hole will be totalled, and then half of your handicap will be applied to get your final eclectic score.

There are two separate Eclectic competitions for Women, one on Tuesday and one on Saturday.

In 2022, the eclectic began with the first Monthly Medal in February and will end with the last Monthly Medal to be played in September. All single stroke and stableford rounds played during the season including all rounds of the Club Championships, Grandmother’s Day and the FOB cup will be considered (if held on a Thursday).

It does not cost anything to participate in the Eclectic Competition. The Pro-shop simply ticks a box within Mi-Score to indicate which competitions need to be counted and the Eclectic is automatically calculated.

If a player moves between grades or divisions, due to handicap changes through the year, the result will be determined by the grade or division in which she played the majority of her golf.

To find your Eclectic score, and how you are faring within the field, please open the Club App on the phone, select Member Info and click on “Eclectic” to see your overall position in the field. You can then select A, B and C Grade for Tuesday and for Saturday Division 1 or 2(although it will be named A Grade and B Grade in Mi-Score, which has a problem naming things differently).

AGM prizes will be awarded to the winners of each Grade for Tuesday and Saturday at the end of the year.



The first round of the Winter Cup was played on Thursday 24 March.

The remaining rounds are currently scheduled for Thursday 28 April; 23 June; 30 June; 4 August and 25 August.

The Prize money  – Cash – is derived from the entry fee.

The top 5 places are allocated winnings in a proportional value of 1st – 50%; 2nd – 25%; 3rd – 12%; and 4&5th places – 6%.

Only 3 of the six rounds will count, so it is not too late to enter the competition.

For late entries please discuss directly, text or email Janet Nathanson (Captain) with your information, and an automatic deduction of $5 will be made to your account.


Rule Reminder 10.2 Advice and Other Help

Please be reminded that a player must not give or ask for advice when playing competition.

General information such as anything that is already known about the hole you are playing such as the physical attributes of the hole can be shared

Advice is anything regarding personal choices such as what club you are going to hit and what shot you will hit.

We can be keen to help our playing partners and through our introductory escorting program giving and asking advice about personal choices is normal and expected.

This practice is generally not allowed in competition. Giving or asking advice can incur the normal penalty of two shots.

Advice is allowed to be shared only in the following circumstances.

It is allowed between a caddy and a player and in forms of play involving partners such as 4BBB or foursomes, a player may give advice to his or her partner or the partner’s caddie and may ask the partner or partner’s caddie for advice.

Please refer to R&A The Official Rules of Golf Rule 10.2 for full details.

“Mistakes are part of the game. It’s how well you recover from them, that’s the mark of a great player.” – Alice Cooper


Janet Nathanson,
Womens Captain





We love to read…
Author Review by member, Ann Warden



Author – Amor Towles

Years ago I was reading a story to a four-year-old and a discussion led to favourite colours.  When I suggested a second favourite her father interrupted quite brusquely with, “by definition there can be only one favourite”.  I had to agree with him but decided that it didn’t apply to me. I like to have lots of favourites.

Top of my current list are three books by Amor Towles who was an investment professional before the success of his first novel. Books often come from personal recommendations so when A Gentlemen in Moscow arrived in the post a few years ago from a friend who followed it up with a phone call to tell me that I must read it, I knew it would be absorbing. Set in Moscow in 1922, the central character, Count Alexander Rostov, is an unrepentant aristocrat who is sentenced to house arrest for life by a Bolshevik tribunal. His home, which he cannot leave, is to be the grand Hotel Metropol. It is across the road from the Kremlin. It takes a master storyteller to conceive and construct the amazing years the Count spends in the hotel.

Towles’ first novel is Rules of Civility (2011) which is set in New York in the late 1930’s. Twenty-five-year-old Katey Kontent meets Tinker Grey in a Greenwich jazz club. This chance encounter propels Katey into the upper echelons of New York society.

The Lincoln Highway (2021) is named for the oldest coast to coast highway in the USA. Brothers Emmet, 18 and Billy, 8 dream of travelling on the Lincoln Highway to California after losing their parents. Their journey takes many twists and turns in a series of incredible adventures.

Amor Towles is my current favourite author. He creates the most endearing of characters in his beautifully written novels. The books are separate entities so do not have to be read in any special order.

Read, savour, and definitely enjoy.
P.S. Billy Watson is my all-time favourite character!

Happy Reading 📚

“A Gentlemen in Moscow” is available in the Ladies Library in the locker room.




Opening Day

Both opening days (Tuesday and Saturday) were very successful and well attended.  Morning tea was provided by the Ladies Committee on the Tuesday and Kate Morgan (Saturday Representative) kindly baked and provided bags of goodies for the Saturday ladies which was a lovely treat.

The markets were yet again a great success with a great array of donations and by the end of the morning, all sold out. Happy Treasurer!

An old cash tin was found – the dymo tape says it all!



All in all, two great days and thanks to all who contributed. Click on images to enlarge…



Irish Day

While our Irish Day golf event was cancelled this year due to the floods, almost 60 lady members attended an Irish Day lunch held at the Club on Tuesday 15 March. The guests, appropriately dressed in orange and green, were greeted with a glass of champagne and enjoyed a delicious Irish-themed lunch. Competition for the best Irish joke was fierce and lots of laughter was the order of the day. Prizes were also awarded for the best dressed, lucky door and two separate Irish trivia quizzes. Judging by the volume of chatter and giggles in the room, a good time was had by all.

Click on images to enlarge…



Heard in the Locker Room

Who’s the clever lady who just had her 8th (yes 8th!) hole in one?  Of course, it was our clever Margot McNee on Saturday 19th February, on the 7th hole with a perfectly hit 8 iron.  Well done Nanny Mango.



Clever Lynne Conroy also recently had an eagle on the 6th. Of course, it’s not her first eagle!  Soon after arriving at Brisbane in the late 1990s was when she had her very first eagle.



Our gardeners.  We haven’t managed to snap them doing any gardening, only standing around looking like gardeners and laughing…..





Andree Millard and Pat Got in conversation…


Let’s talk …

Andree: Welcome to the Brisbane Golf Club Pat! Tell us, what brought you to Brisbane and the Brisbane Golf Club?

Pat: We decided to retire in Brisbane after 2 years of Covid experience in Hong Kong.  We were deciding between Sydney, where we have lived before, or Brisbane.  Finally, we chose Brisbane over Sydney due to its beautiful weather, pretty city, and nice beaches.

We looked at various golf courses near the city and found the Brisbane Golf Club course a very interesting and challenging course (we played a trial round of golf before we joined).  Peter was very friendly when we enquired about joining the club.

Andree: Where did you play golf in Hong Kong and how does that compare with BGC?

Pat: I am a member of Clearwater Bay Golf Club (CWB) in Hong Kong.  I actively participated in the ladies’ golf competition and the social events in the HK club. Our course is not as long because there are quite a few doglegs and therefore it is easier.  However, CWB has beautiful ocean views as it is built around a peninsular.  It can be very windy during winter and therefore difficult to play.  Our greens are much bigger than BGC’s greens.  I find it more challenging to play approaching shots into BCG’s greens.  I find it tougher playing at BGC as I am very familiar with CWB.  What impresses me is that members of the BCG are very friendly and especially the Ladies’ Committee who make a newcomer like myself very welcome into the ladies’ events.  I was pleasantly surprised when I received a call from Andree who was most helpful signing me onto my first ladies’ competition event and accompanying me in my first game.

Andree: What are your other interests outside of golf?

Pat: I am keen on swimming and love going to beaches.  Generally, I love all kinds of sports like cycling, hiking, badminton etc.  Now I am trying to learn mahjong which is an interesting game.

Andree: Yes, we heard you had a very impressive start to mahjong at your first session! But tell us, what is it that attracts you to hiking?

Pat: HK has quite a number of beautiful hiking trails which I normally go to during wintertime when it’s not too hot.  I guess hiking gives me a sense of freedom as you look out in the open with mountain views, sea views and spectacular city views.  You are so near nature when you hike up the mountain, listening to the sound of birds and feeling the wind and mist early in the morning.   It also is very rewarding when you complete a 3-hour hike.  I find hiking helps release stress.

Andree: It’s been a wet start to your arrival in Brisbane, but once life gets back to normal, what are your goals for the next 12 months?

Pat: In the next few months, we’d like to travel a bit more around Australia and explore the various places.  I would also like to meet more friends in Brisbane and be socially active and make Brisbane my hometown.




Recipe by BGC Member, Cath Reidy
Chocolate & Cherry Crumble Cake


Cake Base:

  • 1 cup self-raising flour
  • ¼ cup cocoa
  • ¾ cup brown sugar
  • 100g softened unsalted butter
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 tablespoons milk
  • 1 ½ teaspoons vanilla extract
  • 300 grams frozen pitted cherries (Blackberries are nice also)



  • 1/3 cup self-raising flour
  • 1/3 cup coconut
  • 1/3 cup brown sugar
  • 2 tablespoons cocoa
  • 60 grams melted unsalted butter



  1. Preheat oven to 175 C. Line the base of a 23cm spring-form tin and grease the sides.
  2. Make the crumble. Place all the dry ingredients in a bowl, pour over the melted butter and toss together with a fork until the mixture comes together in clumps.
  3. Next make the cake base. Place all the cake base ingredients in an electric mixer and beat on medium speed for about 2 minutes or until pale and smooth. Spread the cake mixture into the prepared tin.
  4. Spread the cherries over the cake mixture then sprinkle the crumble mix over the cherries evenly.
  5. Bake in the preheated over for approximately 50 minutes.
  6. This cake can be eaten as is or served with cream or ice cream.




Melbourne Cup

Best Hat… Margot strikes again!

Christmas Lunch

Ho, ho, ho… (click on images to enlarge)


Ladies AGM & Presentation Day

Winners are grinners… (click on images to enlarge)