Click here to read the playing rights for each membership category.
New Members joining after 1 October in any year shall pay an equal amount to one-twelfth of the annual subscription for every full month thereof which intervene between the date of their election and 30 September ensuing. All prices include GST but exclude capitation fees of $76 which are collected from every member and passed on to Brisbane Districts Golf Association, Brisbane Ladies Districts Golf Association, Golf Queensland and Golf Australia.
*All prices effective for the period 1 October 2024 to 30 September 2025.
When our membership categories reach capacity we will commence a waitlist. To secure your name on the waitlist, please submit a membership application and pay a non-refundable payment of 15% of the applicable entrance fee.
New Members will be approved from the waitlist on a first in, first served basis as positions become available and this will be reviewed monthly by the Committee. Those on the waitlist can play golf upon paying a fee of $90 on Mondays, Thursday afternoons and Sundays if they have a GA handicap. Bookings are limited to 24 hours in advance and must be made via the Golf Shop.
The Brisbane Golf Club encourages family Members to join so they too can enjoy the lifestyle and benefits golf provides. A 50% discount will be applied to the entrance fee payable when an immediate family Member joins and a 25% discount will be applied when a non-immediate family Member joins.
Click here to see the terms and conditions.
The entrance fee is $10,000, however, different entrance fees apply for our transition membership or seniors (over 55 years) as explained above and below.
All entrance fees can be split over three payments. The two deferred payments are due when your second and third annual subscription fees are due and will each incur a $200 administration fee.
We offer reduced entrance fees for seniors from 60 years of age. Click here to see our entrance fees for seniors.
The Brisbane Golf Club understands that many Australian Defence Force (ADF) personnel love the game of golf, just like all of us, but often don’t become Members of a golf club due to the geographic mobility required by their vocations.
To assist where possible, the Club is extremely proud to have a membership category exclusively available to the ADF.
The terms and conditions of this membership category are as follows:
The Brisbane Golf Club allows new Members to spread the cost of their annual subscription fees via a monthly Direct Debit plan.
Each Member is issued with a Club Card or a Key Fob which can be used to make purchases at The Brisbane Golf Club from your House Account. This system promotes a cashless environment for the ease of Members.
There is no compulsory contribution required to be made to your House Account.
Members can deposit funds through BPay or at any point of sale terminal. Members can request their BPay biller code and reference number by contacting Reception during office hours on (07) 3848 1008. This information is also displayed on your annual subscription notice.
All trophy credits won in competitions are applied to your House Account.
A receipt will be issued when making a purchase from your House Account and Statements are also available upon request. The balance of your House Account can also be found at in the Member’s section.
Your Club Card/Key Fob must be produced at all times when making a purchase.
Click here to read the terms and conditions for a Remote Member and a Limited Playing Member.
Our chief executive officer, Geoff Kuehner, is available to personally assist you with your membership enquiry. He can be contacted directly on 0411 412 666 or you can send an email to to have any of your questions answered.