What a hot start to the season we have had, with many of us struggling in the heatwave that hit Brisbane just after our Opening Days – 18 holes of golf in 36 degrees is somewhat more challenging than just a quick 9-holes. But it is straight into our competitions and Honour Board events, with the Johnson Staines weekend fourball underway. Unfortunately, course closures due to rain forced the cancellation of the President’s vs Captain’s Clare Kirkwood Trophy and the qualifying round of Violet Midson. Both these events will be rescheduled and you will be advised of the dates in due course.
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Notices and News
It is with sadness we record the passing on 22 February of Bev Souwer, past member of some 30 years and Associates’ Captain in 1989 and 1990. Bev was a keen golfer and much-loved Captain. Ladies’ President and Ladies’ Captain represented the Club at Bev’s funeral which was held, at Bev’s request, on “not a Tuesday or Thursday” in consideration of her many golfing friends.
Inclement Weather – Course Closure Notifications
You are again reminded of the procedures for notification in the event of course closure due to inclement weather/flooding etc.
- The Course Superintendent conducts a course inspection as soon as conditions and daylight allow for this to be safely carried out. It is endeavoured that a decision be made before 6.00am.
- The decision is then posted to the Club’s Facebook page (go to the website, click on the Facebook logo at the top right of the screen. You do not need to have a Facebook account to view the Club’s Facebook page). Because Facebook enables an instant update, this medium is used for notifications in the first instance.
- The ticker (moving) banner on the website Homepage will be then updated, along with the header on the Competitions page.
- You cannot access the Club’s Homepage from the Chapp MiPower app for mobile devices. This app is for accessing the MiPower golf portal only.
- If necessary, further information will then be posted in the Latest News section of the website (go to Homepage and click on Latest News).
- You can also telephone the Golf Shop for course status.
An automated SMS message to alert members is in development but meanwhile please check Facebook, the website or telephone the Golf Shop.
The below screenshot of the Club’s Homepage shows where the Facebook icon and the ticker banner are located – if anyone still does not know how to access the Club’s Facebook page, please ask.
Movement Space
The movement space has been remodeled and now offers privacy for both the users of the space and members accessing the men’s locker room. Pilates classes have resumed, and these can be booked online or see Reece at the Golf Shop.
Fetched on the Fairways
Order a coffee or bite to eat while you’re out on the course, and it will be ready for you to pick up from the bar as you come past the Clubhouse after your first nine. Orders are now charged directly to your Club Account.
Ice Machine & Cold Water Dispenser
Hopefully, we’ve had the last of the summer heat, but a reminder for you to take only enough ice for your drinks so the machine can keep up with demand in “peak heat”. If you wish to fill your motorised cart esky, please get ice from the bar. Can you also please ensure the lever on the cold water dispenser is disengaged and turned inwards so water does not leak on the carpet.
Easter Orders
If you loved the Christmas fare, check out what Chef Frederick has available for Easter feasting. Orders must be placed before 5 pm on Thursday, 22 March and will be available for collection on Thursday 29 March before 5 pm. Click here for more information.
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Upcoming Events
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Cherry Cribb LVA Memorial Trophy – Sunday, 18 March
Friendly rivalry on the course as 7-day members versus the 6-day members to take out the Cherry Cribb LVA Trophy. It is a free golf day, followed by lunch ($23.00) in the Tennyson Room. The sign-on sheet is in the locker room. Please contact the office if you wish to come for lunch only.
Irish Day – Tuesday, 20 March
Get your team organised for the annual Irish shenanigans – mulligans, mischief, and madness with leprechauns and green-bearded golfers and prizes for the best-dressed teams.
For midweek golfers it’s a 7:30am Shotgun start, followed by an Irish-themed lunch ($23.00) in the Tennyson Room on Tuesday, 20 March. Book for golf and lunch on the timesheet. You must notify the office by Thursday, 15 March if you will not be staying for lunch.
For Saturday golfers, the Irish Stableford will be played Saturday, 31 March.
Charity High Tea – Friday, 23 March
Book a table for yourself and your friends, or join an existing table and be part of our Charity High Tea which will feature a fashion parade from The Works, raffles, lucky door prizes – and more! Adele Rice, CEO, and Jane Griffin, Chairperson, of the Friends of HEAL Foundation will speak on the unique arts and music therapy program that the Foundation supports. We will also be launching the High Tea Recipe Book on this day. This is our first charity fundraiser of the year, and Vivienne and her ‘High Tea Team’ have been working very hard to ensure the success of this event. They are still seeking donations for the raffles, so please see Viv if you can assist.
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Captain’s Corner
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Halcyon Cup
On Monday, 19 February the inaugural Halcyon Cup was played between Women’s Golf Gold Coast and the Brisbane & District Ladies’ Golf Association at Gainsborough Greens Golf Club. Four Brisbane Golf Club ladies were part of the BDLGA team; Perin Wood, Yvonne Butcher, Susan Rapson and Ann Fell. WGGC won the Cup beating BDLGA 420 points to 407 points. Congratulations to WGGC and well done to all the players.
Nellie Hatton MBE Fourball
The qualifying round is due to be played on 27 March 2018. Have you arranged your partner yet? An email was sent to all lady members outlining the main arrangements for this event. A summary of these arrangements is displayed in the ladies’ locker room and the Conditions of Play are displayed in the glass cabinet. Please familiarise yourself with these conditions before entering this competition.
Clare Kirkwood
Unfortunately, this event had to be postponed due to the weather. We will reschedule but it may be later in the season as we have a very busy few months ahead. We will keep you informed regarding a new date.
Cherry Cribb Memorial LVA Cup
This annual event will be played on Sunday, 18 March. The sign-on sheet is filling up but there are still places available if you are interested – it’s a great day. Numbers will be restricted to 48 players.
History of the event
Cherry Cribb joined the Club in 1977, with no previous golfing experience. She served on the committee for six years from 1980, then after standing down for one year returned to the committee in 1987 for another two years. Most of this time she was House Committee Chair, but also looked after trophies. She was an excellent cook and became renowned for her “tasty titbits” which she would bake and share with her golfing friends, selling the recipes for 50c as a charity fundraiser. Cherry passed away in August 1992 and left a legacy of a seat on the course (which in 2014 was damaged beyond repair and removed). In 1993, the Associates planned a memorial day for Cherry. Unfortunately, the LVA (Licensed Victuallers Association) corporate day was scheduled on the same Sunday and, due to insufficient places in the field for ladies as well as the LVA men, the Cherry Cribb Memorial Day was canceled. As compensation, the LVA offered to provide the Associates with champagne, and at the 1993 AGM, the LVA Cup was renamed the Cherry Crib Memorial Day LVA Cup.
9-Hole Tuesday Afternoon Competition
The 9-hole Tuesday afternoon comp is a great way for those newer to golf to get competition experience or a good way for those returning to golf from injury or illness to ease back into the game!
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Around The Traps
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Giddyup Winx
Winx banners will be fluttering at the Club in support of our special Honorary Ambassador on the days she takes to the turf. Giddyup Winx!
Play the Ball as it Lies
Do you get relief from a smelly, dead and decomposing ibis? Nope, you have to play the ball as it lies, or with a 1-stroke penalty call it unplayable and take a drop.
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Ladies, Let’s Golf
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The Bronze level golfers were keen to start their on-course escorted golf, with several groups hitting (and missing) the fairways on Thursday afternoons. There is a roster in the locker room if you can spare a couple of hours on Thursday afternoon and help the new golfers with course management, etiquette, and rules. Silver members are more than welcome to join in these groups, especially if you don’t feel confident navigating the course alone. For the Gold members, there is the 9-hole Tuesday afternoon competition – a great stepping-stone to your graduation to 6 or 7-day membership.
The Level 1 LLG clinics are also underway, with about 15 girls learning the basics with Gaz and Lee – and from all accounts, there is a bit of golfing talent emerging in that group.
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Golf Plus
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Wedding Bells
It’s not often we get to celebrate the forthcoming nuptials of one of our members… and so it is with great delight we announce the recent engagement of Kerry Vann to Gary Leeflang. We wish them every happiness.
Clever Captain
Not only can our Captain play a great game of golf, organise and run our golfing program and do all the other things that captains do, she somehow finds time to bake and create the most amazing birthday cakes for her lucky grandchildren – these two cakes in just the last two weeks. Happy Birthday, Annabelle and Ethan!
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