Course Maintenance Report – April 2018

This report provides a summary of the key course maintenance activities conducted at The Brisbane Golf Club during the past month and also provides an estimated schedule moving forward.


  • Rainfall in March finished at 146mm.
  • The cumulative total for April is 11mm.

Green Speed

  • Average of 9.5ft.

Greens Maintenance   

Over the next month we have some minor maintenance practices to complete to the greens.

We will continue with our dusting program on a Mondays, however, as the greens slow down they won’t require as much dusting because they are not producing as much thatch. We will reduce our dusting applications to 3 – 4 week intervals over the next 8 weeks.

From time to time the greens will receive a light solid tine aerification to prevent surface compaction. Due to the discrete nature of this work there is no recovery time.

Members will have noticed that areas around the green collars have worn and these areas will be patched over the coming weeks. Additionally, there are bare patches in the green parameters that will also be repaired.

Reconstruction of Driving Range Nursery and 19thGreen

The work on the Driving Range Nursery has been completed. These stolons have struck and appear to be growing well.

Unfortunately, the stolons on the 19thgreen haven’t struck. These stolons won’t be replanted until Spring to allow us to grow in the front of the green and use it for practise or for course routing purposes if the need arises.

Tree Maintenance/ Shade Issues

Arborists have been scheduled to complete the tree work on the 10thgreen surrounds next month. While they are onsite they will also remove a number of old stumps and the dead trees on the 9thand 17th.

Summer Weed Eradication Program

We will continue to remove weeds moving into Winter and we are pleasing with the progress made in this regard in recent weeks.

At times Members will notice burnt areas around the course. This yellowing is due to the herbicide burning back to the Couch grass but is only temporary with the couch expected to recover within a week or so.

We also plan to continue the treatment on the wiregrass areas which at times will require leaving the areas long whilst we are working on them.

Erosion Management and Tee Re-Surfacing

The erosion management work around the 5thdam has re-commenced and as previously advised once this work is complete we will re-level the Men’s 17thtee. Whilst this tee is growing in the majority of play will be directed to the Ladies’ 17thtee.

Lifting Turf around the Practise Green

Course staff has started to lift turf around the practise green to tie in with the new kerbing.

Additional Turf Areas

Some areas of the course will be re-turfed over the next few weeks. This work will be done at the same time we bring turf in for the 17thtee.

These areas include:

  • 15thand 16thgarden edge
  • 5thdam bank (along new rock work)
  • 5through in front of the ladies tee
  • 4thcart path edge
  • Infill around Chipping green garden
  • 10thfairway

Landscape Master Plan Review

Work has continued in regarding to reviewing our Landscape Master Plan. To date we have audited the course to take stock of what work has been achieved over the past 5 years and what work is outstanding. Our landscape architect, Richard Gardham is currently working on the draft document and will provide an update in the coming weeks.

Leak on 20thFairway

We currently have an irrigation main line leak on the 20thhole that we have been monitoring. Unfortunately, we cannot isolate this area of the golf course to repair the pipe at this time as we would need to shut the system down for 1-2 days. This would mean that the stolons on the driving range nursery would not have irrigation. The leak is only minor at the moment and will be repaired when the stolons mature.


Mitch Hayes, Course Superintendent