Sir Leslie Wilson Trophy


The Sir Leslie Wilson Trophy is a Men’s Honour Board event. It commenced in 1933 when its donor, Sir Leslie Wilson, club patron and Governor of Queensland donated a silver cup for competition among the Members. He was a keen golfer and a regular player at The Brisbane Golf Club. His interest and patronage extended widely and there are similar Honour Board events at Royal Queensland Golf Club and Indooroopilly Golf Club.

The Sir Leslie Wilson Trophy is a 36-hole handicap stableford event for all grades played over two rounds.

Key Dates

Round 1 – Saturday, 29 February 2022
Round 2 – Saturday, 19 February 2022

First round handicap applies. All ties will be decided by countback.

Click here to see the 2022 Leaderboard

Winner  – David Coorey
The 2022 Trophy Donor is Paul Taylor.