Women’s Pennants- Final 2024 Season Results.

Yellow Diamonf Friday 4

The Brisbane Golf Club entered four teams in Women’s Pennants for Season 2024 including Friday Yellow Diamond, Friday Sapphire Zone 2, Friday Sapphire Zone 3 and Sunday Yellow Diamond.

Three teams was the initial plan but a fourth team was added after receiving an urgent request from the Brisbane District Ladies Golf Association to supply another team after a later withdrawal.

This meant each week BGC would have 28 women pennant players competing with just as many caddies. A total of 56 members committing to women’s pennants each week.

Finding enough players was at times a challenge, but for caddies, the net had to be cast far and wide. Finding loyal members who no longer played regular golf, but still keen to caddy, husbands, mothers, or fathers – all answering the call.

Thank you to all you unsung heroes who gave up your time for the season, supporting our pennant players, playing a vital role in the enjoyment and success of the season.

Sunday Yellow Diamond, had a very short season, playing against Keperra, Nudgee, RQ and Oxley. The team captained by Yvonne Butcher, ran up against very tough opposition and did not win a game. Keperra winning the pennant.

Friday Sapphire Zone 2, included Redland Bay, Indooroopilly, Wynnum, RQ and Bulimba.  A team of relative newbies to pennants and match play, captained by Kate Morgan. They gave an impressive performance, winning a number of their individual matches, just not being able to convert them into team game wins. Wynnum finishing on top.

Friday Sapphire Zone 3, captained by Anna Lyons played against Indooroopilly, Ashgrove, McLeod, Gailes and Oxley, literally pulled a rabbit out of the hat.  Going into the final game, with 3 winners possible, depending on what happened in the final games.  For Brisbane to win, many things had to happen – they had to beat Gailes and Ashgrove had to beat McLeod both by significant margins. It did seem an insurmountable task, but everything aligned perfectly for Brisbane who finished one “game point” in front of McLeod, and 1.5 game points in front Gailes who finished third. The team achieving back to back wins.

Friday Yellow Diamond, having 8 teams in their zone had the longest season, including games against Nudgee, Redcliffe, RQ, McLeod, Indooroopilly, Wantima and Pacific. A very interesting competition, with the top 3 players playing off the stick, and the remaining 4 having full handicap difference. Brisbane remained undefeated in the season winning quite comfortably in the end, but with many of the matches going down to the wire, just falling over the line with a 4/3 win! Along with the overall win, BDLGA awarded a separate pennant to the top 3 players who played off the stick. Brisbane romped home with this pennant winning 20.5 out of a possible 21 matches for the season. We have earned bragging rights having now won four pennants in a row in the top division.

Congratulations to all of our pennant players and caddies who played in the spirit of the game, with both good humour and sportsmanship.

See below for a list of pennant players:

Sunday Yellow Diamond (Playing captain Yvonne Butcher)

Jodi Holmes, Susan McDougall, Jen Berkman, Jody Pezet, Tammy Cole, Deb Kember, Renae Michielson, Liz Reilly, Kym Knight, Safina Kyprianou, Lynette Horswood and Sue Lewandowski

Sapphire Zone 2 (Playing captain Kate Morgan)

Allison Cook, Pat Goh, Kerrie O’Callaghan, Louise Kelly, Kelly Stoddart, Kelly Hill, Anna Roberts, Kerry Estella, Berrie Holmes and Laura Cunning

Sapphire Zone 3 (Playing captain Anna Lyons)

Anna Lyons, Robyn Wanless, Leigh Francis, Angela Cottrell, Sue Eagleton, Julie Brown, Millie Coorey, Vicki Mounts, Kathryn Ash, Helen Caris, and Jenny Somers

Friday Yellow Diamond (Non playing captain Janet Nathanson)

Hannah Reeves, Angelina Drakos, Aspen Sugars, Lynne Conroy, Perri Ilott, Angela Fong, Lisa Schoutrop, Caroline Martin, Fiona Elsdon, Margot McNee, Ann Fell and Jane Wood.